Hi…I’m Deneen!

February 18, 2022

Hi, I'm Deneen

I’m a teacher, early interventionist, lover of American Sign Language, a mom, and full-time director of Kid In Development Services (KIDS) Early Intervention Program. Welcome to our blog! If you’re here, I’m sure you’re looking for inspiration to help your infant or toddler! How about some fun family activities you can build into your regular routines throughout the day? Or some easy ways to get your infant’s or toddler’s development moving in the right direction? We hope you keep coming back here to see all of the awesome things we have planned to share with you!

I would love to personally meet each and every one of you (hmmmm…that gives me an idea for a KIDS meet & greet!...let me know what you think about that!). Until we can make that happen, I just want to give you a peek into who I am and how I got into this *amazing* career of helping families like yours! I won’t go into great detail, because all of you are busy and just need the quick and dirty/”cliff notes” version (really showing my age with that one!) 

A little known fact….I did not go to college to be an educator. I started out as a voice major with big dreams of where that would take me. As I was walking across campus one day (at the beginning of my junior year), I watched a fellow student using sign language.

Long story short, I signed up for an American Sign Language class, fell in love with it, met with my advisor and switched my major to Deaf Education. I graduated with two degrees (Regular Ed and Special Ed) with a specialty in Deaf Education and a minor in music. I left South Carolina and moved to Maryland where I accepted my first teaching job and a few years later started supporting families as an Infant/Toddler Case Manager (Maryland’s name for Early Interventionist) and I was HOOKED! Making home visits and getting to meet moms and dads, aunties, uncles, and grandparents just like you became the best part of my career, so I doubled down and enrolled in Gallaudet University’s Family-Centered Early Intervention Advanced Studies Program to broaden my knowledge.

I traveled to Washington DC everyday in the summer for two years (my first-born was an infant at the time so it was tough, but I was deee-termined!). It was also really tough because ALL of the classes were taught in American Sign Language…yikes!...but again, I *loved* it! Fast forward to me continuing my career as an early interventionist in Maryland, moving back to South Carolina where I landed an amazing job as a Regional Supervisor for Early Intervention at the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind. Several years later, I felt it was time to use all my years of early intervention experience to provide my knowledge and support to you and KIDS was born! And when I look back at all of the twists and turns over the years, I wouldn’t change a thing! 

Early intervention is key…to infants and toddlers who may be facing early developmental challenges, so please come back to read more about the purpose of our services and how we can step in to help you (please keep visiting the KIDS’ website to get more information). Now although I’ve been in this field for many years, this blog won’t always be written by me because it’s not just my background and experience that drives our early intervention program. Here at K.I.D.S., I have the most amazing team of early intervention professionals all with their own amazing backgrounds, stories, and desire to empower you and provide education, information and support to help you, your baby, and your family! If you don’t already have a cup, grab some tea or coffee and meet our team HERE! 

Now that you’ve seen all of our smiling faces, you’re in for a treat! This blog will be full of all the fun stuff (and some of the serious stuff, too) written by our resident guest bloggers (yep…you got it…some of the smiling faces you just checked out ☺). 

We’re here to help!!...but remember, no one knows your baby better than you. If you ever have concerns about your baby’s growth and/or development or your pediatrician suggests that your baby could use some extra support, you can make your own referral to get help. It’s really simple, too! Just visit the BabyNet (South Carolina’s early intervention system) website to complete your referral online or call their Central Referral Team at 1-866-512-8881. If your baby qualifies, let them know you’d like to work with us and just know that we’re super excited to meet you! If KIDS is not in your area yet, don’t worry! We’re working on that and will be coming to your area soon!

Alright everybody!...thanks for taking the time to learn a little about me! Remember, there is lots more to come! Let us show you the power of early intervention. We are always here to support you when you need us! 

July 7, 2022
An overview of parenting styles and the best one for development by Maddie Lowe, EI Let's face it, parenting can be hard! When you first become a parent there is no true manual you can study that will prepare you enough to feel truly confident in caring for and raising your sweet bundle of joy. But despite all the struggles, anxiety, and stress that come with being a parent, the sacrifice you make to ensure they feel loved, secure, and safe will set your children up for a bright and exciting future. Though there are different ways to parent a child, there are four fundamental parenting styles that have been recognized within the field of developmental psychology-permissive, neglectful, authoritarian, and authoritative. And among these four, research psychologist, Diana Baumrind, has determined that an authoritative parenting style is the most effective and beneficial style for children to thrive as they age and become independent adults. We are going to dive into each parenting style and discuss the impacts each has on a child, but before we do that, I want you to examine your childhood. And as you read, I want you to identify which one seems to align most with how you were raised. I want you to dive in and see how it affected yourself and how it has impacted your techniques in raising your children. Permissive Parenting The permissive parenting style centers around the child viewing the parent as a friend. Parents who follow this style are often very loving and supportive but struggle with establishing appropriate behavioral expectations. The consequences of this style are that children learn rules are optional, they have a harder ability to learn self-control, and often struggle to establish a clear trajectory for their lives as adults. Neglectful Parenting The neglectful style is based on a parent being routinely uninvolved in the child's life. A child's basic needs are often met, but he or she will struggle to feel loved and secure. The effects of this style are mistreatment, low self-esteem, and poor relational skills. This is not an effective style and should not be encouraged. Rest assured though, that having your child in early intervention shows that you have not chosen this style! Authoritarian Parenting The authoritarian perspective can be summed up in one popular saying, "children are seen not heard." Authoritarian parents are strict where unwavering rules are set, respect is demanded, and there is little consideration for a child's needs emotionally and behaviorally. The consequences of this parenting style are that a child struggles to understand their emotions, have limited coping skills, and are more susceptible to high levels of stress, leading to mental health deficits such as depression and anxiety as adults. A child grows up feeling unloved and devalued. Authoritative Parenting The authoritative parent understands the balance of being strict but also loving. This style encourages open communication between parent and child where both the respect for the child’s needs and a parent’s expectations are established. Natural consequences for a child’s behavior are the root of discipline thus he learns for himself what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. This parenting style has been proven beneficial for a child to learn responsibility, to become independent, and to develop a secure sense of self as they age. A child's overall development is strongly impacted by how he or she is raised. I look at my own childhood and acknowledge that I was raised in a mostly authoritarian household. This experience has impacted me in being overly self-critical, feeling devalued by others, and being indecisive in my own decisions. I have become an overall healthy adult, but it did take a lot of work-work that I do not want my children to have to do. What parenting style did your parents adopt and how has that affected you? How will your parenting style affect your children? The authoritative parenting style is proven to be the most effective and balanced style to help children develop to their best abilities. This style is encouraged by developmental psychologists, early interventionists, and other professionals in the field of early childhood education and development. We want our children to have bright and fulfilling lives and you are taking the steps needed to do just that. We at KIDS have a passion for helping families and the children we serve to learn the skills and have the resources needed to follow a balanced parenting style of love and appropriate expectations. If you do not know how to adopt an authoritative parenting style, talk with your special instructor or service coordinator, call KIDS, and review the resources below to learn more! https://www.apa.org/act/resources/fact-sheets/parenting-styles https://www.verywellfamily.com/ways-to-become-a-more-authoritative-parent-4136329 https://parentingscience.com/authoritative-parenting-style/ Maddie Lowe Early Interventionist Kid in Development Services, LLC
May 12, 2022
Don't Throw Fine Motor Skills Away!
April 4, 2022
Wait! What is Early Intervention?
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